Do you have an inner Critic, Worrier, Perfectionist, or other insecure part of yourself that hijacks your Higher Self?
Do you have an inner Critic, Worrier, Perfectionist, or other insecure part of yourself that hijacks your Higher Self?
Online Therapy | Mailing Address: 10 Milland Dr A23, Mill Valley, CA 94941 | (628) 245-4708

Stephanie Post
What I know to be true...
People heal through understanding, compassion, and acceptance. When we are given tools, information, and a fresh perspective to help us manage and make sense of our situation. We thrive when given space to be our most authentic selves.
I welcome all parts of you: the messy, the scared, the angry…the parts that feel shamelessly good and proud.
All of it.
My professional background in EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, and relational psychodynamic allow me to provide you a holistic treatment plan that, along with being trauma-informed, is brain-based, body-wise, and compassion-focused:
Brain-based: Neuroscience tells us that mindfulness is a key agent of healing. Mindfulness is the practice of purposefully directing attention to the present-moment experience. By mindfully studying your internal experience, and through the use of mindfulness-based exercises, I will help you harness the power of neuroplasticity to reorganize your internal experience and to change your brain’s hard-wired habits.
Body-wise: Although the body holds onto traumas until we’re ready to process them, our bodies are also an important resource for us. Together, we will discover ways that your body can help ground you and help you make decisions that are right for you.
Compassion-focused: Like mindfulness, neuroscience informs us that compassion is an important healing agent. I see you as trying the best you know how given the skills, resources, and level of awareness you have available to you. I want to help you develop a kinder relationship to parts of yourself that are struggling and to understand how the parts that sometimes hijack your Higher Self are actually trying to help you, albeit in a misguided way.
Let me help you reconnect with your Higher Self.

My sensitivity to issues of social and environmental justice started at a young age, having grown up in the culturally diverse area of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. Driven by my urge to explore and connect with others, I seized opportunities to travel to different parts of the world during my adolescence and young adulthood. I have fond memories of being welcomed into communities where I helped build houses, provided basic amenities, and learned about life from people less fortunate than I. These experiences helped me see how interdependent we all are and that we share the same basic needs for safety and love, even if the expressions of which are different. Traveling has also deepened my relationship with Mother Nature, which has inspired me along a spiritual path that reveres all beings, including Mother Nature, in equal measure.
A little more about me...
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Lic.#: PSY31012 – California
National Register Health Service Psychologist, #56758
PsyD – California School of Professional Psychology (San Francisco); Magna Cum Laude graduate
BA – Chestnut Hill College (Philadelphia); Magna Cum Laude graduate
EMDR (2021)
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (2021)